
Vision Statement

Create a future lifestyle
that leads to a smile
for each and every person

The Will Expressed in Our Vision Statement

What we will never change is that it all starts with our customers, and that we will take lifestyle as our business field to bring richness and happiness to our customers.

What we will change is that we will capture the wishes of every customer like never before, and that we will not only adapt to the changing future, but also create a future lifestyle.

And each and every smile on our customers' faces and our own will spread like colorful flowers.

This is the story of
us AEON, and MIRAI*.

*MIRAI means "future" in Japanese.

I wonder what direction we're heading···
As the thought flashed across AEON's mind,
just like that, MIRAI appeared right there beside her.

I wonder what direction we're heading···
As the thought flashed across AEON's mind,
just like that, MIRAI appeared right there
beside her.

The future ahead,
people's lifestyles, society···
I wonder how it will all turn out.

There's no such thing
as a predetermined future.

MIRAI said with a smile.

But what you can do
is look at the world we live in now
and anticipate a little bit ahead.

For example,
will technology set us free?
Or will it leave some people
struggling too?

And environmental issues
could get even worse···
but that might also serve
to bring the world together as one.

But how the future will turn out
can be imagined to some extent···

A simple desire to bring a certain
lifestyle or society into existence
can actually be a part of what creates
the future.

MIRAI pointed far off into the distance and said,

Hey, look up and take a closer look.
Look really far-farther ahead than what we can anticipate.
What do you see?

There's nothing to see.
Just a blank space.

Okay, now imagine.
Look inside your heart
and envision the view you want to see.

AEON looked up again, off into the far distance,
as if gazing at a blank white canvas.


Smiles! I can see people's smiles!

I've never seen such beautiful smiles.

Bright smiles like blooming flowers spread
as far as I can see.

And look! Our customers and us, we are all smiling together!

And look! Our customers and us,
we are all smiling together!

You may not be able to make predictions,
but you can imagine.
And if you can imagine something,
you can create it.

Yes! I saw it, the future that
we want to realize.

AEON said, with eyes glowing.

Create a future lifestyle
that leads to a smile
for each and every person.

As long as your heart is full
of colorful smiles like a field of flowers,
I'm sure you can achieve it.

The Position and Composition of Our Vision

The Position and Composition
of Our Vision

Our vision is a guidepost to the future

This story is the starting line to the future we are striving toward. What kind of view did you envision?

AEON Group Future Vision as presented here was drafted in accordance with the AEON Basic Principles, incorporating the will and the beliefs of each group company and of AEON People, and it serves as a guidepost as we work toward the future.

This vision is comprised of three components:
The Future that the AEON Group Wishes to Realize, How the AEON Group Wishes to Be, and The Attitudes and Vow that We Cherish shared among AEON People.

And Vision Statement is the collective embodiment of our entire vision.

Vision Statement

Create a future lifestyle
that leads to a smile
for each and every person

The Future
that the AEON Group
Wishes to Realize

When customers can feel “a brighter society” and “happiness that is uniquely their own”, their future will be fulfilling and full of smiles

How the AEON Group
Wishes to Be

A Group that leads the co-creation of lifestyles, enriching each individual and society as a whole

The Attitudes and Vow that We Cherish

- Three attitudes -
“Act spontaneously and follow your aspirations” “Keep learning to create new values” “Build relationships, nurture them, and create together”
- One Vow -
“Always act with integrity and sincerity”

The Future that the AEON Group Wishes to Realize

The Future that the AEON Group
Wishes to Realize

When customers can feel "a brighter society"
and "happiness that is uniquely their own",
their future will be fulfilling and full of smiles

When customers can feel "a brighter society" and "happiness that is uniquely their own", their future will be fulfilling and full of smiles

As the pace of change accelerates with issues intertwining, the future becomes more and more unpredictable. There may be many surprising encounters or happy discoveries, but more complex and daunting challenges may also be exacerbated.

Technological advances expand human potential. Customers will seek more of the fulfillment that comes from within, such as individuality, empathy, and trust.

We envision the future that we wish to realize centered our customers' point of view.

A future where our customers can feel a brighter society

A lifestyle with more new conveniences, comfort, and excitement. Resolving anxieties about environmental issues, disparities, and other negative aspects caused by social development. We wish to achieve these to realize a future where our customers can feel a brighter society.

A future where our customers can feel happiness that is uniquely their own

To enable customers to understand their own potential and achieve self-growth; to be able to express their own personalities and charm. To enable them to find the right platform for themselves, with partners who can empathize and trust one another. We wish to achieve this to realize a future where our customers can feel their own happiness.

A future where our customers will be fulfilled and full of smiles

Social development and individual happiness can sometimes conflict. Balancing these things will make our customers fulfilled and bring smiles to their faces. We wish to realize a future where smiles spread as far as one can imagine.

How the AEON Group Wishes to Be

A Group that leads
the co-creation of lifestyles,
enriching each individual
and society as a whole

We wish to be a group that creates a future lifestyle full of smiles together with our customers and colleagues who share our vision.

We wish to be a leading group that grows by enriching society and individual lives through our innovation and co-creation.

We will evolve our products and services, playing roles with the keyword of "connection" to provide unprecedented value.


Connect deeply
with individuals

Connect individuals
with society

Connect individuals
with one another

Expand the circle
of connections

We will provide new values by playing four roles. That is where our challenges lie.

Connect deeply with individuals

We will deepen connections through contact points before and after the provision of products and services, and we will approach individual lifestyles comprehensively to understand our customers' emotions and reactions. We will provide the value that our customers desire so that they can understand their own potential, express their individuality, and enjoy their everyday lives.

Connect individuals with one another

We will consider individual preferences and values as an opportunity to connect our customers with one another. We will provide our customers with opportunities, times, and places to share happiness and excitement with others, with whom they can empathize and trust, beyond the boundaries of generations and distance.

Connect individuals with society

We will bring fulfillment to our customers by connecting them to their surroundings or enabling them to make a positive impact on others. We will provide opportunities and means for them to utilize their individuality and capabilities to experience the happiness of being part of society.

Expand the circle of connections

We will expand the circle of connections, from our customers' neighborhoods to their regions and to the world, and enable them to imagine the richness of society as a whole, through their daily lives. We will also strive with our customers to create a lifestyle filled with the happiness of a brighter society.

The Attitudes and Vow that We Cherish

The Attitudes and Vow that We Cherish

In order to achieve our vision as a corporate group that is committed to everlasting innovative spirit, we will share the following three attitudes and one vow that we cherish to create a future lifestyle full of smiles.

Three attitudes

"Act spontaneously and follow your aspirations"

With our customer's view point at our core, we will hold our own aspirations, express ourselves, and act proactively. Our innovation will be powered by dialogue and cooperation that comes from our own initiative.

"Keep learning to create new values"

Continuous learning is what expands the potential of our actions.Through practice, we will accumulate wisdom, sharpen our professional skills, and continuously create new values.

"Build relationships, nurture them, and create together"

We will overcome the boundaries between corporations, groups, and organizations so we can build and nurture diverse connections. These connections will accelerate the cycles of mutual learning and value creation so we can co-create the future lifestyle.

One vow

"Always act with integrity and sincerity"

It is integrity and sincerity that allow people to trust in our actions and empathize with our aspirations. Empathy from our customers and allies is the starting point of co-creation. Going forward, we will cherish our vow to always act with integrity and sincerity.

Imagine it. Create it.
A future full of colorful smiles.